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Meet your digital twin
Connect real-world assets, data and people through 3D software solutions.
Store and host reality capture data
Centralize reality capture data for easy access.
Manage point cloud effortlessly.
Grant access to users and third parties.
Generate shareable web links with time limits for secure collaboration.
Ensure data protection through security compliance ( SOC 2 Type ll )
Transform your business by mapping your enterprise data in 3D digital enviroments
Empower stakeholders to collaborate remotely in a digital replica of your facility generated from reality capture data. Optimize design engineering workflows, health and safety processes, operations, and facility maintenance.
All your reality capture data on one single platform
Rapidly create design iterations
Improve planning for inspection
Host, manage and process reality capture data. View and share point clouds, convert to 3D meshes, and manage RealityPlan projects online.
Centralize all your reality capture
Define complex manufacturing asset and odd parameters linked to Reality Assets, such as inspection requirements, including frequency, and the last inspection date.
RealityAsset creation
Discover our toolbox for iterating on engineering designs. Edit, create and share scenarios. Measure, move machines, and check fit with ease.
Design engineering tools
Integrate CAD and BIM models into a 3D environment to enhance engineering workflows, improving collaboration, spatial analysis, and simulation capabilities.
Easy integration with software
Discover our toolbox for iterating on engineering designs. Edit, create and share scenarios. Measure, move machines, and check fit with ease.
Seamless design tools
Connect metadata and documentation to ensure that all project stakeholders work with the most accurate version of the truth.
Documenting RealityAssets
Add and customize parameters linked to RealityAssets, such as inspection requirements for assets, including the frequency, accessibility and the date of last inspection.
Creating RealityAsset parameters
3Dro utilizes gaming-based multiuser technology to immerse teams in asset-heavy, complex virtual sites, enhancing training for peak proficiency.
Virtual simulation
Facilitate collaboration among internal and external teams, enabling easy information sharing, layout visualization, and data management.
Enhance collaboration
Visualize, identify and simulate potential hazard scenarios to test control measures and optimize health and safety protocols
Health hazard mapping
Many ways of using the product
Design Engineering
Health And Safety
Factory Layout
Training And Maintenance
Inspection Planning
Virtual Tours
Facility Management
Oil & Gas
Food & Beverages
Industries we work for
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Meet Our Team of Experts
Evbuomwan Omoregie Enorense
Fateh Bouzida
Mustapha Atik
Emmanuel Olawale Agboola
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The open beta will be open soon!
Please follow our LinkedIn and this website for updates!
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